If you've been on a Royal Caribbean Voyager, Freedom or Oasis class ship, you will have noticed a classic car on the Royal Promenade. If you've been on more than one of those ships, you may have noticed that the cars featured on each ship are different. So why does Royal Caribbean feature classic cars on its Royal Promenades?
The answer takes us back to 1997, when Royal Caribbean was building Voyager of the Seas. The lead architect for the Royal Promenade, Njal Eide, had built a model of the Royal Promenade, and in the middle of the model, he had placed a nice little model of a Morgan Sportster complete with leather belt across the hood.
Royal Caribbean chairman Richard Fain saw the car in the model and asked Njal about it because unknown to Njal, Fain was a big fan of the Morgans. Njal just thought it looked right and that's why he included it.
Fain was so impressed that he donated his own Morgan car that he had received for his 40th birthday some years back.
From that point on, having a vintage car was so popular that Royal Caribbean continued with the tradition with later ships in the Voyager, Freedom and Oasis classes.