Allure of the Seas Live Blog - Day 7 - Sea Day

12 Jun 2016
Michael Poole

Today is my last day at sea, so my plan today is to enjoy the ship and take it all in.

I woke up a little late, so I decided to pass on breakfast and just sit on my balcony a bit. I’ve realized I didn’t use my balcony this cruise much at all, but I’m going to say it’s because I was in a group. I did decide to pack my room up before I headed out today, just wanted it out of the way.

I noticed the ship felt very crowded today, it seems as everyone was out and about.

They had all kinds of sales on the Promenade deck; if you want something I’d recommend waiting until the last day. I saw the Michael Kors shop have some big sale and people were lined up waiting for them to open. 

Lunch at Johnny Rockets 

Today I had lunch at Johnny Rockets right when they opened at 11:30am.

Johnny Rockets has a cover charge of $6.95, but everything is included (minus the milkshakes) and comes with a soft drink also. When you sit down they bring a plate of fries and onion rings to the table while you look over the menu.

I ordered the smoke house burger, which is a double on the menu, but I asked for just one patty to save room for desert.

For dessert I had their apple pie and ice cream, which might be the best desert all week. Within about 20 minuets of opening every seat was taken and they had a line to get a table.

I thought in years past they would give you a pager, but everyone was just standing in the heat on the boardwalk deck. Overall it was a great lunch and fun times at Johnny Rockets.

When I left the boardwalk I saw a passenger band playing by the carousel, I’ve never seen anything like this before.

Many of the guest were taking pictures and sticking around to listen to them. 

Afternoon on board 

For my last afternoon on board I wanted to spend as much time as possible by the pool.

I went to the Solarium first to let all my lunch settle.

I noticed so many opened chairs today; many were in the sun but no troubles finding a pool chair. After an hour or so in the solarium I moved over to the beach pool.

The beach pool is my favorite pool on board; they have the umbrellas for shade, which is nice.

The pool also has water running off to the first row of chairs, so pick up those pool bags. The beach pool water was so warm today, I’ve never been hot in the pool before but it was. 


Well friends, I think I have a problem; dinner tonight was back at Sabor.

This is my 4th time eating here this week, and couldn’t be more excited to be back. In my previous visits here it’s always been very busy, but tonight the restaurant was empty.

Our table ordered four guacamoles to get us started with some starts. We tried this Jalapeño stuffed chicken starter and it was absolutely amazing, we then ordered two more!

For my main course I went with chicken taco’s just to try some thing different.

The taco’s were great, but I was so full from all the appetizers I could only eat one. It was a fun way to end the cruse as a group, we said goodbye to our friends and toasted farewell. 

Wrap –Up 

After dinner I headed down to the pub again for one beer before bed.

Again, the pub was packed for the singer, he did such a great job. When I headed back to the room I saw all the bags in the hallways, this always makes me so sad to see, unless I’m on a back-to-back of course. 

The Allure of the Seas is a great ship, she still looks brand new and I never saw any signs of wear.

The ship felt a lot more crowded than I remember Oasis class ships feeling, we were a completely full ship. There are so many options for every type of cruiser, entertainment is great, so many pools, bars of all options. T

The Allure is also great for children they made this ship with the largest kids pool in their fleet, called H2O.

As far as the Internet goes, they have two types of Voom now, I did the voom + stream package. I was able to FaceTime and Periscope on my balcony so it really works everywhere. Only twice did the voom go down, but was back up within 15 minutes. 

Occasionally, I had to remind myself I was on a cruise because there are very few locations with views of the Ocean. Also, the ship never rocked because the ocean was so calm. 


I opted to do the express walk off option leaving the ship. They put luggage tags in the cabin but if you want to do the express just ignore them.

The express departure started at 6:30AM, and I go in line around 6:20am. Getting off the ship was very organized and customs line was a breeze. I was at the airport by 7:00am for my 10:30am flight; next time I might book earlier flight on Oasis class ships. 

Well friends my cruise has come to an end, I’ve really enjoyed taking you along with me. My passion for cruising is so strong but so is sharing it with others, I think it helps building the excitement for your next cruise. Until next time, I’ll see you at sea!

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