Majesty of the Seas Live Blog - Day 7 - Sea Day

20 Jan 2017
Michael Poole

These days are just flying by, but today is my seventh day on board Majesty of the Seas and it is a sea day. Sea days are always my favorite because you can sleep in and nap every few hours. 

This morning I woke up and had breakfast in the main dining room again. It is funny, usually I just grab a quick bite in the Windjammer on my past cruises, but the service is so great I just keep going back. They have a table setup in the center of the dining room where you can grab fresh fruits while you are waiting for your meal.

I went with the ham and cheese omelet, my waiter said, “same thing again?”

After breakfast I just walked the ship to explore areas perhaps I haven’t seen and walk off some of that big breakfast I just ate. I noticed they had the drink of the day starboard madras for $8 + 18% - not a bad price if you don’t have the drink package. 

In the Centrum they had their final day big sale items. Most of the items were on sale for $10 and buy 4 get 1 free.

I tend to try and avoid these type of activities, but for blog purposes I explored the area and took some photos. I noticed this sales last all day and even another set-up of these items up on the pool deck. 

Afternoon on board 

This afternoon I relaxed on the pool deck and surprisingly it wasn’t that hard to grab a pool chair, event at noon. I enjoyed the poolside live music for awhile until the men’s belly flop contest.

This was a fun contest with 6-8 men jumping in the pool belly first. I wanted to actually join the contest today, but let’s just say I got cold feet! 

After a few hours in the pool I went inside for my first drink of the day in the Schooner Bar.

The average beer price is $6.95 + 18%.

I spent around $50 the whole cruise on drinks, so I’m starting to question my value of the drink package. I did try to purchase the drink package for just today since it’s the last day and was told they don’t offer it. That’s probably the best, because I’m starting to experience drink fatigue from my free drinks in the evening. If you are diamond member they give you 3 drinks per night, and you can request more than 1 (beers not open) and enjoy them at a later time. 


I went straight up to the Diamond lounge at 5pm so I could watch the sunset inside. I am so glad I did, because the views were simply amazing.

I was chatting with some other people in the lounge for a while and they just could not believe I am staying on board for the next cruise.

This evening they had the headliner event in the theater. Since, I haven’t gone to a show since the last cruise I decided to go check it out. The gentleman was singing a lot of Latin songs and was doing a great job at it. However, this just was not my style of entertainment, so I left after about a half hour.

The headliner always changes from cruise to cruise, so I would not worry about this if you are coming on board the Majesty of the Seas. 

Dinner was back in the main dining room and it was Matt’s favorite lasagna night! The quality of meat, sauce, cheese has greatly improved because this lasagna was outstanding! It reminded me of my favorite lasagna from Giovanni’s Table, so I am officially a fan. 

Tonight was the Quest at 11pm, and since I was in no rush to get up tomorrow I wanted to go. I talked to some friends around me and no one had ever been to the show before, so I tried to give them a crash course. I will not go into details of the game in case you haven’t been before, but this is a must do if you are on a Royal Caribbean cruise. My team got first place, I think I’m a streak of last 7 cruises getting first place in the game. 

After the game I went straight to the cabin it was almost midnight and I was ready for some sleep for my 3rd cruise. See you tomorrow for turnaround day.

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