Harmony of the Seas Live Blog - Michael's Day 3 - Labadee

19 Sep 2017
Michael Poole

Today was our first port of call, in Royal Caribbean’s private island of Labadee, Haiti. I woke up at 7:15am to a band playing on the pier, marching back and forth. They always do something fun to welcome the ships in Labadee, it’s like a morning wake-up call. We took things kind of slow on board for an hour or so, I was enjoying my coffee at Park Café. At 9am we headed over to Labadee, my plans today were laying in my cabana on Nellie’s beach. I’ve never stayed in a cabana before, so this was a first for me.



I walked over to Nellie’s beach, which is only 5 minutes. If you are in barefoot beach (grand suites and above) they will drive you over on carts. It wasn’t a long walk at all and it was nice seeing everything along the way. Once we arrived there was check-in tiki hut and he took us right over to our cabana, (NB1). Our location was behind a wall, so it was a little separated from the main beach. It came with five 1-liter bottles of Evian, beach towels, and two floating mats. We also had our private bartender (they called him the butler, but I’m going to stick with bartender). He only had 4 cabanas to work with, so he was always around to get anything you needed.


I really enjoyed the cabana; it was so enjoyable to be sitting in the shade with a fan above you blowing. I will stay in one again, but likely wouldn’t do it every cruise due to the cost. I’ll also note there are plugs in the cabana if you need to charge a phone or small music speaker, etc.


At 11am we had our labadoozie meet-up with the blog group at schooner bar. But this isn’t the schooner bar on board, the very large bar on Adrenaline beach. It was fun seeing everyone together, we always run into people across the ship but not always all together. There is no upgraded lunch for cabanas on Nellie’s beach, so my friends just brought me a plate over. For the rest of the afternoon we relaxed in the cabana and stayed until the very end of the day.



Tonight we had dinner at 150 Central Park at 7pm. This has quickly become one of my favorite restaurants on board with their new set-menu now. They went over the six salts with our bread right when we arrived. The main highlight is the cucumber martini. I don’t usually drink martinis but this is their signature drink ($15 or $2 with drink package) and it’s so smooth and refreshing. The main course we ordered the filet tenderloin, cut tableside. This meat is so tender and likely one of the best meats on board. For desert we had them bring the cheesecake from Jamie’s Italian, oh this desert is amazing!


After dinner I went down to the pub with the group for a few hours. They had a 50’s & 60’s street party, brand new show and it was a blast. I will say, most of the songs I’ve never heard of before. There is also a 90’s street parade later in the week, which I’m really looking forward to.


That recaps my day three in Labadee, tomorrow we are in Falmouth, Jamaica.

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