Today is the final day of my 3 consecutive cruises, it’s been a great vacation but I thought to myself it’s not over yet I have one more day.
Today I woke up around 7:30am to the Captain making an announcement that we would not be going to their private island of Coco Cay. Due to the storm front moving down from Florida, we would spend the day at sea. I was sad we couldn’t go to over to the island because I love it so much, but I was okay with a sea day too.
Morning on board
First I started off my morning in the dining room and it was busy. Many of the guests were just taking the morning slow since it’s a sea day. I discovered my love for their toasted raisin bread.

Of course, when you ask for some they bring you the whole plate to enjoy. I went with my standard morning omelet and bacon and off I went.
After breakfast I just wanted to explore the ship to see what all was going on.

First, I saw they were doing trivia in the Schooner Bar, so I joined in on that action for a while. I’m not going to lie, these questions were pretty hard, I think the best score was 9 out of 20 right and it wasn’t me!

They also had some line dancing going on in the Centrum hosted by the assistant cruise director, Moe. He works so hard, every event on that ship he’s either hosting or involved in.

I don’t think I went more than two hours a day without seeing him. He’s become a real friend of mine over the years from Enchantment and now on Majesty.
Afternoon on board
This afternoon I had planned to enjoy the pool deck but the wind was so high it was almost not enjoyable to be outside.

I walked the outside decks to take some pictures and talk about windy, I was holding on to everything I had on me. At this point the captain made his second announcement of bad news, that we were headed back to Florida tonight. I suppose it’s not really bad news because we could still enjoy the ship that evening docked.
A few hours later they issues another update that we would be arriving sooner than planned. With that being said, all the stores, casino, photo shop would be closing at 9pm.
Evening on board
Tonight we went to the show at 7:30pm and it was their first time performing the show. The name of the show just can’t come to me, but it’s the main show from the Enchantment they have brought over to Majesty. It was a good show; I’ve seen it many times and last for around an hour.

My final meal tonight was back in the main dining room and I ordered the lasagna and tiger shrimp. I asked for my lasagna to be made with their red sauce to change it up, since I’ve had it three times this week.

The service was outstanding and I couldn’t have asked for better dining service.
Everyone on board kept talking about this amazing piano player in the schooner bar, so I had to go check it out. And I’m glad I did, he was one of the best I’ve ever seen. The bar was very busy since all the shops/casino was closed. This was very different than past players, he had the crowd up dancing all over the bar and singing. In fact, at one point he left the piano and walked around signing with guest around the bar.

My best comparison of this experience is an evening in dazzles, very loud music and everyone dancing. It was the perfect way to end my vacation, and I’m so excited he will be on board through May so I can see him again.
Recap of the Majesty
The Majesty of the Seas is not the newest ship in the fleet, it’s not the largest ship in the fleet, but she’s the friendliest ship in the fleet. Often you will hear the hotel director saying that, but it’s true. The crew on Majesty is what makes her different than any other ship I’ve been on. Yes, we have all had great service across the fleet, but on Majesty the crew is almost like family. I can’t tell you how many hugs I gave this last day and thanks for everything. I’ll give you an example; their loyalty ambassador on board Shane has won officer of the year two years in a row. I was surprised the same person won two years in a row, but now I understand it. Last night, I saw him in the Diamond area, the show, the schooner bar and again this morning at 7am; he came to the diamond holding area to wish everyone a safe trip home. I’ve never seen this type of exposure from officers on any cruise I’ve taken before.
I’m sad my journey has come to an end, but I’m happy it happen, and made memories from this cruise for a life time. Thank you so much for following along with me these 10 days! Until next time, I’ll see you at sea…